The Story of Responsible Project Management (contd.)
Best Project Team Winners
January 2019, bournemouth
PM@BU has been a regular event at Bournemouth University (BU) that combines a showcase of Project Management students’ work with professional networking and a sponsored guest speaker. We are grateful for support from many organisations over the years, including PMI (UK) South Region, APM HQ and Wessex Branch, Babcock International and others. The educational value of these events is explained in a video. RPM featured in PM@BU 2019.
Bilbao, Spain
february 2019, spain
We were delighted to be invited to present on RPM at the Research and Education in Project Management Conference in Bilbao. Interest in the concept was growing as a result of publication of the Guide. The first edition included 8 principles of RPM. Researchers led by Joserra Otegi at the University of the Basque Country validated the 8 principles and added two more - Engagement and Transparency. The two new principles were incorporated into the Manifesto and the second edition of the Guide.
On the Beach University
Prizes for the winning team awarded by Mark Crisp, PMI
march 2019, UK
Beach University was an RPM professional engagement event organised by Events Management students in collaboration with Project Management students to showcase their work to project professionals from APM, PMI (UK) and local members of the Digital Project Managers Meetup goup. The students demonstrated the use of virtual reality to develop new sustainability competences. PMI (UK) sponsored a prize for best project.
As interest in RPM grew, we were invited to run a workshop for PMI London Branch in May, and to engage with APM SE Branch in July.
Signing of the Manifesto for RPM
JULY 2019, bournemouth
A draft Manifesto for Responsible Project Management was prepared, taking inspiration from the Agile Manifesto. At a second social learning workshop, the draft was refined workshop and the event concluded with a signing ceremony. There were 21 initial signatories to the Manifesto, including Project Management professional bodies from the UK (APM and PMI) and Spain (AEIPRO), the Association for Sustainability Practitioners, organisations such as Arup, along with researchers, students and academics from 10 different universities across UK, Europe and USA.
23rd International Congress on Project Management and Engineering
JULY 2019, Spain
We were invited to deliver a keynote lecture and run a scenario-based workshop at the 23rd International Congress on Project Management and Engineering in Malaga, Spain. This provided an opportunity to gather further feedback from project professionals, academics and researchers and we began exploring ideas about how to develop new competencies for RPM.
Sir Peter Bonfield, Vice Chancellor, University of Westminster
November 2019, london
The University of Westminster kindly hosted the London Launch of the Manifesto of Responsible Project Management on 6th November. Sir Peter Bonfield, Vice Chancellor, delivered a warm welcome that emphasised the importance of sustainability. We were joined by Professor Malcolm Kirkup, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Head of College, Westminster Business School and of their staff and students as well as our collaborators from many other UK companies, central government and universities.
Himanshu Jain with Nicholas Lambrou and Karen Thompson
On 7th November we engaged with many more project professionals who visited our stand at PMI Synergy. We also announced Himanshu Jain as the winner of our competition to find RPM Case Studies, for his Jainpedia Project.
Also in November 2019 … success at the PMI (UK) Awards