The Story of Responsible Project Management (contd.)
In 2024 we deepened our collaboration with RPM Ambassador Steve Wake, and began the RPM Conversation Club with monthly discussions on a wide range of topics at the intersection of project management and sustainability. To see details of all our meetings, please follow the link below to ‘Past Events’ on our Meetup Group.
January 2024, denmark (online)
For the Denmark Chapter of PMI Karen delivered a key note with a focus on developing a sustainability mindset for project management using the new competency model (see Thompson, K.M. and Williams, N.L. 2024. The Role of Responsibility in Sustainable Project Management. In: Silvius G. and Huemann, M. (eds). Research Handbook on Sustainable Project Management. Edward Elgar Publishing).
January - February 2024, online
In collaboration with The Schumacher Institute we ran a new online course over four evenings - Introduction to Responsible Project Management. This was another very successful event where participants with expertise in biodiversity shared their knowledge and experience with project practitioners. Thank you to everyone who was a part of this initiative.
Shai Davidov
march 2024, scotland (online)
At the end of 2023 we were delighted to welcome Shai Davidov from Edinburgh Business School as RPM Ambassador for Scotland. Our first initiative was to introduce RPM to 50 very motivated and experienced individuals studying Project Management as part of the General Apprenticeship programme, with most of them working in the public sector, mainly related to the Scottish Government. Thank you to all the very engaged participants for a stimulating discussion.
May 2024, manchester, ACOSTE Conference
RPM was well-represented in Manchester at the ACOSTE Conference 2024, ‘Controls and Skills for You, Your Organisation and the World’. We very much appreciated the opportunity to deliver the World stream enriched with contributions from Scotland and Canada, as well as Liverpool, Cumbria and Dorset. Thank you to ACOSTE for the invitation and great connections, and to all our wonderful speakers, supporters and new sign-ups.
Ivan Rincon
Nicki Davey
David F Murphy
Jane Dowson, David F Murphy, Karen Thompson, Ivan Rincon, Nicki Davey, Dale Foong, Steve Wake
june 2024, Coventry, APM Conference
Michelle Littlemore, from Northumbria University, and Karen facilitated an interactive workshop on ‘Optimising Project Delivery with Sustainability’ for an engaged audience in Coventry on behalf of the APM Sustainability Interest Network.
Michelle Littlemore and our engaged participants
June 2024, online
As part of our collaboration with Peak Consulting in Denmark, Karen delivered a talk at the emagine virtual conference with a focus on the leadership skills needed to ensure we create a better future for communities, organizations, and ecosystems. Topics addressed were making project outcomes more sustainable; techniques for involving society and the environment in project decision-making; and future trends, opportunities and challenges.
September 2024, Sri Lanka (online)
RPM was pleased to partner with the Faculty of Business Studies at the University of Vavuniya in Sri Lanka for their annual Research Conference again this year. Karen and Nigel delivered a key note and a workshop for the lovely participants in collaboration with faculty members who were on-site. Thank you to all those who were involved.
October 2024, Birmingham
Karen was delighted to be invited back to at University College Birmingham to facilitate a highly interactive event for students and professionals on ‘Responsible Project Management in Action’. The event was the first workshop that, as far as we are aware, was supported by both PMI and APM. We even had a group of students who travelled from Scotland to join us. In teams, participants were set the challenge to re-imagine the process of project management for a specific context.
November 2024, Northumbria (online)
Students at Northumbria University, Newcastle were introduced to key RPM concepts in a video we created with their tutor to help with their assignment as part of the Driving Sustainable Change initiative, including use of the UN 17 SDGs.
If you are an educator, please contact us to find out how we can help you and your students engage with Responsible Project Management by using our free resources.